What's this blog for?

Well it goes something like this.  I'm in my 30's and when I started the whole sex change thing in my late teens/early 20's the 'community' (such as it is/was) was very odd.  For example they would tell you everything you ever wanted to know about how the hormones changed your skin... but not mention anything about vivid colours and a trip as your brain chemistry changed.  Some of it minor some of it really scary shit that people should be for warned about.

Of course nobody was because "if you can't take it then you're not a TS", it's the same bullshit as "don't do this unless you're prepared to loose everything", which was drilled in to me by the community.  Yeah... because loose everything or die are the only two choices you can make. 

So that's kind of what this blog is about, going to be and well yeah.  An Idiots guide to changing sex.